As the Roman empire grew, the spearmint was brought to Britain where its medicinal properties became recognized (Hanrahan, 2001). Its primary medicinal use was to treat indigestion, nausea and vomiting, as well as relieve the symptoms of respiratory illnesses such as bronchitis and the common cold (Kunnumakkara, 2009). Administered in the form of tea made from dried spearmint leaves, its mild nature made it popular for use in young children (Hanrahan, 2001). In the middle ages, spearmint was also used as treatment if you were bit by a wild dog. The fresh herb was mixed with salt and applied directly to the wound to promote healing (Hanrahan, 2001).

During the colonial era, the British brought spearmint with them to North America, where it now grows wild throughout southern parts of Canada and much of the United States (Natural Standard, 2010). In 1893, Wrigley Incorporated transformed the way spearmint was used in North America by introducing it as a breath freshening gum (video 1;Wrigley, 2010). Though this is the most common use for Mentha spicata today, the medicinal properties of spearmint have not been forgotten.